How to calculate the cost of construction? Evaluators were...

How to calculate the cost of construction? Evaluators were involved in the courses

Training courses on "Construction from A to Z, norms and standards" were held at the Azerbaijan Appraisal Society (AQC).

The purpose of conducting the courses was to educate estimators about construction, to teach the norms and principles that form the basis of cost approaches and methods. In the trainings, information was provided on international experience and modern technological solutions, including the classification of buildings and facilities, technical, legal, environmental and other characteristics. In hearings conducted by experienced experts, the rules for calculating the construction cost, which are most often used by appraisers, were explained.

AQC regularly organizes trainings in order to increase the professionalism of evaluators and intends to increase the number of courses in the future. Employees of leading evaluation companies, as well as bank specialists participated in the training. At the end, the participants of the training were presented with Certificates of AQC.